domestic goddess

i did this piece a while back.. on a found ironing board that was all tattered.. i painted a heart under the cover to utilize the natural tears in the fabric, sewn in with a machine the hair and hand sewn the buttons in. acrylic graphite and sharpie. yay! i wanted to visually play with the idea of multiplicity, or of parallel realities, if you will... we are all an experiment in a superset of theories, from quantum mechanics and string theory to statistics and chaos theory... we are schrödinger's cat and the universe our box. derp there i go again, talking silly nonsense.. oh hey i love you!


goodbye eugene!

while looking for the hopout, i happened on this cool hut in the woods... so obviously i camped there. woke up super wet but it was so beautiful out it almost didn't matter. hopped out the next morning and headed.. well, ha i didn't even know where i was going. does it matter? no! adventure time!

kudos unknown, architect, kudos.


best view, and the lullaby of the river is the best to sleep to!

locked my bike to a tree ha.

view from the train..

freight train freight train run so fast.

well i had an awesome time in eugene and i met some awesome people. aside from some delusional, violent types, the whole town rules. i love you!


adventures in eugene

i'm too pooped to really get into a detailed description but let me say this: there is nothing like seeing the sun rise from the inside of a speeding freight train. eugene has been pretty amazing. here's some pics! love you guys!

moar bikes lol
this nice lady bought one of my street paintings :)
i love graveyards
bad photo of a mural i did
i speak parcel tongue
floating worlds


travelling is rat tits

 oh hey! you wouldn't believe it, but i have done a trackstand on a moving frieght train. my camera was dead so i only was able to get a few picks, but i hope you enjoy them. i stayed under the broadway bridge for like 3 days before we managed to hop out... we slept through our stop (eugene) and we ended up in klamath.

i wasn't lying

look at these fucking oogles

one of the least good views
fink was really, really drunk.
a cold, huddled mass of awesome. i have no words to describe how much i regret not being able to film more. i'm going to try to make it back on the same route, but this time with a fully charged camera. promise!



 well i made it safe and sound. slept next to the broadway bridge last night... gonna catch a train today! i think? hey i love you all, and i'm safe!
me riding a t-rex. no big deal..
camping in the woods is dark!
this is where i camped yesterday, right next to the broadway bridge
bike prawn
street art!
i made a lean-to
the dream of the gabriels is alive in portland


first friday!

i didn't really write about it earlier, but i had a show for may and yesterday was opening night.. not really anything super huge, just three paintings... BUT one of the paintings is on the infamous board at the baby bar, which is still the coolest joint in town, mostly because patty, the owner, is so damn nice.. i kinda have a crush on her to be honest, but what else is new, i crush A LOT. i alway wanted to do the board, it's a massive 4'x8' and every month a new artist paints over it, so i feel like i'm part of a special club now. speaking of, tiffany patterson, if you read this, thank you for inspiring me. ALSO: frickin' A i got my camera! thank you so much rose! here's some pics from the bar, obviously the lighting is terrible so the pictures of the art are a bit lack lustre, but it at least validates that the art is indeed real and not imaginary ha. hey i love you and thanks for reading!

the low point of the evening was this racist piece of shit and his racist piece of shit friends. humanity fail :(


under the influence: gustav klimt

Gustav Klimt 
what bearded hipster artist doesn't have a kitty?
this is perhaps too obvious.. of course i have the hots for this man.. gustav was as neo classical as it got but then he started experimenting with fashion and design and this in turn moved his art from the classical realism he did very well to this, more symbolic style. in his later life he did really colorful landscapes, but it is his figurative "gold phase" that he is most famous for.  how cool would it be to be able to use gold as a medium? that's so rad. this dude was a total hipster.. i'm sensing a theme with these artist guys