
pearl and dorthea

sisters at the pow-wow

having a great time

the girls keeping it real


life as pictures

so yeah. i've been sketchbookin' relearning how to doodle, and basicly living life... here's a few moments for you all.. like all 3 of you.
talk about a light rail 
some people pay good money to live next to this swamp. it does have it's charm and i'm happily calling it home right now...
oh shit my neighborhood is on fire!

don't worry everything worked out fine. look i had doughnuts! so much for cutting my carbs... 
vegan chocolate and maple bacon. yup, dumb joke but i had to do it. the irony was too delicious.. man, me with the dumb jokes...

hey. someday soon. i will do some art. promise. 


dear blog

i've been neglecting you. i'm sorry. i've just been really busy. it's me. not you.
but i'll be back soon. promise. i'll even get you that nice layout i know you've been wanting.
until then: