Still working on it.

Yeah I should be done... I haven't had as much studio time as I would like. Been doing other stuff.. got the next piece after this prepped though... it'll be cool I hope. I love you.


Today is done.

Well painting for today is done. Still not satisfied with this.. it has been fighting me all day.



Today's painting. Ugh. I'm tired. 



Another small pic. Tonight's painting, thus far. Gonna have a staring contest, see what else I can make happen. 


You little rat.

So, since all I can post is little photos, here's a little drawing :3

The eyes have it

it's a tiny photo. My "smart" phone is shit.

moar art

i really could give a turd about how "good" anything i'm doing lately is.
i never went to art school. i taught my own damn self, and art school folks use MY ideas. validation achieved. so, i'm taking a cue from my friend justin aerni and i'm just going to keep painting. crap or not. if i'm painting i'm not thinking of all the sad stuff. again, validation achieved.  
oh and i love you.


hey i did something today. yay.
lame scan, but whatever. 



Basicly, I live under bridges. there's a lot of them here in portland, so I'm in luck in that regard. I eat out of dumpsters. There's a lot of food thrown away in this city. I eat trash. Pretty edgy right? I mean, you've heard of street artists, but this is some next level shit. /s

 Anyways I met a few artists who were kind enough to let me use their studio occasionally and I'm trying to throw down each day I'm allowed. It's no shelter from the forthcoming rains (I'm quietly panicking about this.) And I'm still taking starving street artist perhaps too literally, but at least I'm creating. Nothing fancy.. it's like I'm learning how to walk again.. here's todays art. 

My doubt

A new friend inspired me to just go with how I feel and stop worrying about conceptual crap. So, here's my doubt. Have a great day guys!



I actually painted something. Crazy weird, right!?  It's a terrible photograph and obviously the work is not finished. Being hungry cold and homeless is trivial compared to the loss of who I am, as an artist.
gabriel went missing for a while, but at least now we know that he's not dead. He still in here somewhere.

detail of dead birdy
wish I could have used a better camera.