i ride the fence of copyright law. i don't like the idea of owning ideas. you'd think this has to do with art, that being what i do, and it does, sure.. but my concern is over seeds. because a gmo seed is intellectual property, the owner, if so inclined, can sue a person for using the seed without permission. so lets say you are a small yield farmer growing organic corn... a few miles away is a farmer who's crop is gmo corn... if the gmo corn's pollen get's in the air and pollenates the organic corn, not only is the organic farmer screwed out of his crop next year (unknowingly until testing) he can also be sued for his plants being contaminated with the gmo's. the gmo farmer isn't doing the sueing either.. he's just a sad victim of the corporate giants who control the seed industry.
this is how farmers get screwed. because of intellectual property. i'm no expert and i'm lacking in my info, so watch the documentaries "king corn" & "food inc". here's some reading, which i appropriated like a good anarchist.