war shall never be finished

adventures in couch surfing
all the names have been changed to protect the paranoid. gotta love security culture :|

so it's been brought to my attention that though i'm technically homeless, the squat where i reside is able to facilitate other folks, and as such i have hosted a fair number of travelling folks, whether anarcho-train kids or hippies or squeegee punx. so, i'm gonna start blogging about my guests, in an attempt to remind folks that being human is something even the poorest of the poor can do. so with no further ado, meet "grif". it's funny, i saw him with a backpack on, we walked and talked a bit, then he noticed my spoke card on my bike, done by a kid named "swampy" who fell off a train almost two years ago, and whom i hosted after his spill. grif said "swampy!" and i said "wait you know this guy?" turns out they were friends. it is a small world, right? and of course they both know my spiritually adopted sister MJ. but alot of people know her.
A Walk to Beautiful
i fricking' love pbs and the nova program. visit this page to watch the moving, emmy award winner "a walk to beautiful" and maybe if you can, donate to keep television sane. public broadcasting, proving socialism works since 1970!
A Walk to Beautiful | NOVA | PBS Video
A Walk to Beautiful | NOVA | PBS Video
gaza in portland 2010
with coalesce and converge and some other yahoos in the lovely rose city. well uh, i said i would post videos of the bands but i never did. sorry. heres the gaza video from that night. jon doesn't care that i posted this i'm sure. best quote ever from him "every time a church is burned a society gets it's wings"
don't burn churches kids, thats for black metal peoples like burzum. i love you!
the first of the seven seals
yay! pestilence is done! (sorta maybe?) i've been screwing around with this concept of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse idea for a while.. alot of people bring up that i only paint women, which is not true (most the figures in my sketchbooks are men or at the very least asexual) but it's true, alot of my large symbolic pieces are female-centric. woman have played a huge role in my life, so it's a dominant theme. but for good ol' death and destruction i had to bring out the boys. it makes sense to me somehow? i play with gender roles alot, switching jesus's supposed gender to that of a woman happens in my work, but for this part of my evil series i went with the boys. thanks to kim for the pic (again.. man i owe you!)
bad photos of good art / insomnia is not glamorous
sorry i haven't posted in forever. i've no camera so getting pics of art i do is a pain. this door was owned at one point by a guy named steve, but it's huge and heavy so he couldn't take it. i sold it last year for 50 dollars. every time i see a small, bad painting with a "$500/sold" i just want to set myself on fire. i wonder if you know this feeling. it's a pretty low place, emotionally. i cut myself making this painting. thats my blood on it (underneath the left hand, your right..)
anyways, on top of this seemingly insurmountable depression, this brutal insomnia (real insomnia is not cool, it's hell) these bad photo's of this nice door i painted, the fact that my total income this year has been 120 dollars (that's not a typo) and my knee being infected from a bike accident i had the other day... on top of all this, blogger is being a pesky bastard and has made actually posting this lame rant so annoyingly difficult that i'm this close to just walking into oncoming traffic. the screen printing place i had an interview at didn't call back "either way" like they said they would.. gah i'm at my wits end. so for all you people maybe feeling a bit down about life, hey, at least you're not me, right? none-the-less, i'm still here, fighting the good fight. never give up on your dreams, even if they kill you, if you do, you might as well be dead anyways.
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