all the names have been changed to protect the paranoid. gotta love security culture :|

so it's been brought to my attention that though i'm technically homeless, the squat where i reside is able to facilitate other folks, and as such i have hosted a fair number of travelling folks, whether anarcho-train kids or hippies or squeegee punx. so, i'm gonna start blogging about my guests, in an attempt to remind folks that being human is something even the poorest of the poor can do. so with no further ado, meet "grif". it's funny, i saw him with a backpack on, we walked and talked a bit, then he noticed my spoke card on my bike, done by a kid named "swampy" who fell off a train almost two years ago, and whom i hosted after his spill. grif said "swampy!" and i said "wait you know this guy?" turns out they were friends. it is a small world, right? and of course they both know my spiritually adopted sister MJ. but alot of people know her.