so i looked at the head on a plate painting i did for zach... and i didn't like the composition.. it wasn't "zazzy" enough for a gabriel, so i spent over 20 hours re-painting it. of course i don't have much of in the way of photography, so my lady took this picture for me.. but this one you really should see in person. it's got a surprise in it but i won't tell. it's funny how much this piece cost me, the paint isn't free after all, and i've spent a lot of time on it... just to give it away. honestly i don't like that one bit. i deserve to get something out of this. sigh. but i won't. meh. whatever.
i had a discussion last night while i was working on it, about how, if i feel apprehensive about how dark something is then it's kinda like an indicator i'm on the right track... as far as the whole "scary" thing goes... i was apprehensive about putting the head on a plate ala john the baptist..
i'm guess you know what i did. heh.
yeah this monstrosity is for this guy zack. i'm not getting paid, he said it was for some event as part of a raffle or something. dude wanted something "winter themed" and i'm like "there is nothing more wintery than a persons head on a plate with tentacles coming out of the mouth strangling a bird, right?"
so, word to the wise, you want free art, you're gonna get something unexpected. heh.
i've been naughty :(
i had the dawning realization that i'll prolly never be taken seriously as an artist ( maybe because i use non-words like "prolly"?). i'm untrained, uncultured, i don't know jack about modern art, and only a tad about art history. i paint ugly things that people tend to not like, and i'll most likely never be in serious galleries. sure, i've had shows here and there, but i'm not gonna be in the louvre any time soon. i'm ok with not being accepted or taken seriously and what-have-you, BUT... i do want people to see my work. maybe it's vanity. i never showed it when i was younger, but someone very wise told me if i am not showing the work i'm just masturbating, and that has stuck with me ever since. half (or more) of my art is actually played out with the observer. seeing is believing, so to speak. thus, well, i'm gonna start putting my art where people have no choice but to see it. take that! the current series i'm going to be working on is this idea i had about class-ism and the privileged few, entitled "have/have not". keep both eyes out...
seriously? again? GAH!
*insert loud, long audible sigh here
so a few months back i posted a blog about a mural i had to fix because of graphitti, not that i'm anti graphitti, it's just what "they" did to the mural wasn't cover it with more art but rather just screw up my mural by replacing my anatomical heart with a symbol heart.. i didn't groove on it. anyways, i go down to where the mural is sometimes, it's a really pretty neighborhood... and lo! the mural is screwed up even worse than before.. but this time it was the city, repairing the concrete.. so yeah. i had to repaint the mural. AGAIN. maybe i should give up, just not care...

but thats not my style really.
i am not finished, i need to find a ladder and figure out a new motif for the giant white space (it used to say "never stop reaching). anybody got some ideas?
terrain post game
...and i mean post game, because i have returned from a weekend of bike polo. sore sore and kinda fuzzy. played hard, lost hard.. i went from terrain to pullman and tried to find our camp.. got there at 5:30 am set up the tent, attempted to sleep for 4 hours.. i could go on, about how before i even got to play a real match andrew crashed into me and destroyed my tire. he was on my team too... i didn't have a real good time to be honest..
anyways i was in the whitworth paper in regards to terrain take a look
so whats next? well, a show in miami florida this december. oh and i think i should mention my work is appearing all month long at the empyrean this october too. check it out if you are in spokane, if you like one of my works email me and you can tell me how much you'd want to pay. that simple. hey i love you!
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