...and i mean post game, because i have returned from a weekend of bike polo. sore sore and kinda fuzzy. played hard, lost hard.. i went from terrain to pullman and tried to find our camp.. got there at 5:30 am set up the tent, attempted to sleep for 4 hours.. i could go on, about how before i even got to play a real match andrew crashed into me and destroyed my tire. he was on my team too... i didn't have a real good time to be honest..
anyways i was in the whitworth paper in regards to terrain take a look
so whats next? well, a show in miami florida this december. oh and i think i should mention my work is appearing all month long at the empyrean this october too. check it out if you are in spokane, if you like one of my works email me and you can tell me how much you'd want to pay. that simple. hey i love you!