guerrilla art show!

so last night was fun. i set up shop at a closed liquor store that had the doors boarded up, right between several bars.. i had five paintings (2 doors two panels and one glued cigarette box's) and in between the doors i nailed a piece of wall paper. i had decided earlier to do a live painting, to help pass the time.. and also as a way to do some illegal art on the down-low. i painted a cliche gabrielesque face but then i started cutting parts out here and there and immediately painted over the holes... thus turning the painting into a stencil as well.. at one point there were several police right next to me because of some sort of bar-related mishap.. it was very entertaining to be doing something like i was, with a spotlight on me, getting away with mischief right under the laws nose. rad. as for my first stencil, you can check it out on sprague nexct to the ridpath.. kinda sloppy, but sorta hesh and thus i still like it.

this is a picture of the painting i did last night.. some random drunk dude took with his cell. not the best pic but whatever. man it was cold out!