work in progress
i'm trying to stay busy. with the show in a month and me not getting the screen printing done, nor the kinko's stuff done (the former needs transport, the latter funding) i have been in a sort of panic.. and i realized that while having this down time i should just paint as much as i can while i can. so in the spirit of this i have a work in progress i started last night for you to look at, in all it's blurry web cam glory. i neeeeed a good camera. i hope to finish tonight and start on another.
moving pictures? what devilry is this?
i have a youtube channel. i never talk about it because i forget i have it lol. sometime maybe i'll make more vids but meh. some cool vids with bikes and bands and a bumfight. yup, pretty standard internet fare.
here's a video of me sitting down with sean ingram of coalesce and scary larry bike polo, about to watch a dude do a handstand on a skateboard, circa last summer, portland oregon. enjoy :)
nazi punks f*** off!
this lady is my new hero. seriously, not much for artistic merit, but to me, sometimes it's not the product but the result. am i right people? looking forward to watching the whole documentary :)
also: i totally beat the hell out of a racist crazy person who kept doing the nazi salute last saturday. thing is, i wasn't wanting to at all.... idiot kept trying to attack me. his blood is still all over my pants... gross!
gross meme nostalgia = land of coincidences
so through the twisted pathways of the internet i was reminded of 2 girls one cup (if you STILL haven't heard of this, then count yourself lucky and stop reading. now. seriously NOW.) which is several years old at this point (in terms of internet meme lifespans this is like a thousand years) so i google'd "two girls one cup" (mom if you are even mildly curious i implore you do not look it up for christs sake..) and fith result down i saw a link to a flicker and an artistic rendition of the vile vile deed.. and to my pleasant surprise, it's some art from my good pal justin aerni, whom i literally just blogged about! hey awesome! here's his flicker and more of his rad art. he's always selling stuff so hop to it! he's tenacious and prolific, so it's a good investment i'd say.
but seriously, gross. why can't i un-see things? gah FML.
the julie project
i don't usually re-blog, but this story and the photo's are too compelling to NOT share. photojournalist darcy padilla's work is amazing across the board, and julie's story is the stuff that makes you really think, and feel most of all. what a sad, beautiful world. i could not recommend this more..
earwigs! collaborations!
wip (work in progress)
here is a picture of what i've done so far. i hope to paint more tonight. stoked to finally use this canvas.. i've had it laying around for like 3 years! wow!
best day ever

you know that song from spongebob squarepants "the best day ever"? yeah that the song for today.
an experiment failed
disclaimer: i'm not super depressed.
well, i lasted a week. but yeah, definitely back on facebook. my excuse is bike polo. i'm sticking to my guns on that one. did i ever talk about the paint-able gunpowder idea? i had to create dextrin which took forever, and do a 10% mixture (1 part dextrin to 10 parts gunpowder) but yeah, that didn't work out.. it didn't have the right viscosity. i went to bed at midnight, a rare thing, in the hopes of waking up at a normal time. yup it's 3 in the morning.. i woke up and my hand smelled like poo..
so yeah, failure everywhere. but screw it, life is good. my tummy feels icky.
last fridays art walk

blue bird of doom
oh hey i forgot to mention, i'm a sucker and i got sucked into twitter. go follow me @gabrielvrooman. i stole the image from this guy. sums up how i feel about the little bird. the obnoxious blue bastard.
stay true to your wheel
oh hey.
not much has been going on..honestly i'm in a bit of a panic, i have no real drive to paint and this is bad, because i have a show soonish and yeah..idk what i'm gonna do... meh. anyways hey i trued my wheel yesterday! whats that? it's what you do to fix a wheel thats wobbly... and boy it was wayy out of wack. like my brain. i wish there was a truing stand i could borrow for my brain. wayyy too much head trauma in 2010.. i feel a bit, idk, damaged in the head.observe the wild gabriel in his natural habitat. here you see him attempting to straighten his back wheel..

look how peaceful the gabriel is in this rare glimpse into his mysterious lifestyle.. wait it looks like he has spotted us!

the gabriel does not look please about the intrusion into his habitat..

it's important to remember that the gabriel is more afraid of you than you are of him, so, if you play dead or stay completely still there is a chance he won't attack..

oh no! it's too late, the gabriel is preparing to strike! meow! hiss hiss!
....for now at least. in an attempt to get back to the warm glow of freedom from electronic slavery (how do i miss the 90's), i've put an end to my facebook. woo!
HELLO BLOG, HOW ARE YOU? HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN A WHILE... heh. anyways, in gabriel news, lessee.. i have a show in april at farwest billiards. thanks PK. i'm attempting to make art thats easy for me to do and cheap for folks to buy.. someday i hope to give the art away for free, until then i gotta at least cover cost. with this in mind i'll have small hangable prints for 2 bucks and other stuff like buttons maybe. also, i get to do the board at babybar in may! bout time! i've been begging for a chance for like, 3 years.. YAY! thanks patty! nope i don't have any art to post yet... but look around you when you walk around downtown. i might be up somewhere...
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