oh hey.
not much has been going on..honestly i'm in a bit of a panic, i have no real drive to paint and this is bad, because i have a show soonish and yeah..idk what i'm gonna do... meh. anyways hey i trued my wheel yesterday! whats that? it's what you do to fix a wheel thats wobbly... and boy it was wayy out of wack. like my brain. i wish there was a truing stand i could borrow for my brain. wayyy too much head trauma in 2010.. i feel a bit, idk, damaged in the head.observe the wild gabriel in his natural habitat. here you see him attempting to straighten his back wheel..

look how peaceful the gabriel is in this rare glimpse into his mysterious lifestyle.. wait it looks like he has spotted us!

the gabriel does not look please about the intrusion into his habitat..

it's important to remember that the gabriel is more afraid of you than you are of him, so, if you play dead or stay completely still there is a chance he won't attack..

oh no! it's too late, the gabriel is preparing to strike! meow! hiss hiss!