YES I AM STILL ALIVE. perhaps notice i'm no longer on facebook? well.. i'm still alive. some of you may remember my laptop got stolen on my birthday last march, so i'm not blogging, and in general, i don't mind all that much... this is not to say that i will not come back... i just am so very transient right now, and honestly i've had a sort of art block as of late.. but i got some new ideas floating in my head and i'm excited to work on them.. and so, if things start looking up for me, like, y'know, getting a dayjob and not being homeless, then maybe i'll be able to acquire some of the tools i need (i.e. laptop) and get back to posting about all the things i love and of course sharing with you! also: i got some super awesome exciting news, but i'm not telling you about any of it yet, lest i count my chicks before the eggs hatch. oh here's where i've been staying by the way.. thats right, the shire.
i could have sworn i heard gandalf... |