a great friend of mine gave me a nice camera phone, and, as i was about to embark on a journey that would likely destroy my precious camera, i gifted the DSLR to another great friend, whom was in need of one, as to keep it safe. sadly, my phone was stolen and here i am, with nothing left to show you. i go places and do things and my great joy is to let you see what i see, whether you wish me ill or good. i think therefore i am, but also, i share therefore we are. we.. for when you share with me or i with you, we become all the more connected, and this connection is magic and sacred to me. for now, to supplant my lack of eyes ('till i get another camera of course) i shall dredge up old memories and old photos, of which you perhaps have not seen. i will start if off with a few silly pictures of me. i love you.
my good freind emma day and baby jade being goofy |
using the power of my mind i am able to recycle more effectively |