i quit my job, paid rent at my circus/house in NOLA and left to oregon, to see a friend. he was there. among all his friends and family and his dog.. he was there and we sang, played music and cried and laughed and partied hard with each-other. a trio of my sisters, whom my love for is bright and shining like the belt of orion.. graciously opened their home to me.. i was to wait for them in portland... but i couldn't stay... i am in love with a city and all the people in it... new orleans i'm coming home. going back to portland after nola is like going to back to grey-scale after seeing color for the first time. and i am going saying hello to cyote the whole way back. pray for me.
the hop-out in eugene, oregon. very cold but pretty. |
this |
boxcar i decided to forgo in lieu of a grainer |
roseville, california. |
"i stand, if only so long, but i stand"
freestanding, found pine, redi-made
homeless encampment
northern california |
lion lunn |
auburn |
black as coal |