so today is the terrain artist reception. somehow i'm part of a privileged part of society, though i like to think i'm the dark underbelly of the art world. i'm drinking beer cuz it's free. white privilege is a friendly enemy if you are me. i've been below the "poverty line" my whole life, but i truly realize that no matter how skid row i am, it's nothing compared to the poverty of others in the world. lets face it: if you are an american, you have it better. this being the case, i've made it so that the art i have at terrain is for charity. if you buy one of the selected pieces at terrain, the profit goes to the union gospel mission, which, despite the theist viewpoint, does a lot for the homeless in the states. being homeless myself, i've made homelessness my pet cause. here's some bad photo's of the reception. come tomorrow night for a real good time.