so yeah. this terrain this is gonna be rad tits and you all should totally go, but... i'll be honest... i'm not as stoked as i once was... getting a bit depressed.. y'see, i have this polo game in pullman i gotta go to as well THE SAME NIGHT. and the game requires money, which i won't have unless someone wants to buy one of my dumb paintings... theres gonna be alot of great art by people with more friends and, lets face it, my art isn't sell-able in spokane. nobody "gets" what i'm doing (i don't either), nor will they with only 5 (7) paintings in the 20 (so far) series represented (only 2 of the 4 "horsemen" works). also i wear a white shirt with a giant black inverted down cross around town (but it's my favorite shirt!) and i'm generally not well thought of in this small christian biased town, thanks to my complete disregard for social norms (take your rules and shove 'em world!). so... i'm thinking of not going. idk, i feel foolish for even submitting my work to terrain.. and lets see what else... oh i was told i could hang paintings for october at the empyrean coffee house several, SEVERAL months ago, which i was looking forward to.. i haven't been there yet (i gots no money, what am i gonna do, fucking busk outside till i can afford coffee? I HAVE MY OWN COFFEE MAKER and my homemade chai is superior) and i was excited to have an excuse to hang out a bit.. lets face it, october is the only month my artwork will fly in spokane (thanks halloween). i don't hangout as much as i used to, since i've been really broke this year (no job) and i quit (sorta) drinking. well, yeah, i've contacted chrissy riddle and her sister michelle (the owners of the empyrean) a few times with no reply. pretty classy. totally unfriended on fb. haha passive aggressive as hell right. i fucking hate you internet. also around the same time earlier this year i asked patty (owner of the baby bar) if i could paint on the wood panel (for like the 12th time) and she said yeah. i recently contacted her about it with (you guessed it) no reply. did not unfriend patty because i like patty alot and i figure it's just one of those things. also, there's this kid who i am very grateful i don't have to hang out with as often anymore, because he's a self righteous arrogant prick whom i want to punch in the nose every time he opens up his privileged little mouth. keep looking down your nose at me and i might just break it some time, mister.
grrrrr. anybody catching on to the angsty vibe? (totally lame i know, appy-polly-logies.)
i do have a charity art thing in miami december i need to work on..but..
i'm in an art rut.. sick of painting what i'm painting and i just wish i could afford some art classes. being self taught sucks a bit when you are constantly looking at amazing art, all done by people who went to school for it.
also the guy whom i did a book cover for hasn't spoke to me about it at all and so i'm wondering whats up there.
i might not go to the pallouse cup (bike polo game) because i need to pick up the art i won't be getting rid of (sigh) the next day (saturday). for more info on bike polo check out the marmot blog.
i don't know. i guess i'll stop whining. at least i am not alone, for once. things could always be worse, and i'm grateful for what i do have. still can't believe i can't even get a job washing dishes. i've applied at so many places.. i'm not giving up but i am getting really bummed about it. i'm sure something will work out, i'd just like it to be sooner :P