movie night!

Reggie WattsWhy Shit So Crazy? has been on repeat pretty much forever since i got my grubby hands on it..

OMGenius.. this isn't what you would call a movie but rather like a tromp through hilarity at an almost hallucinogenic level. this is as cool as the shadow temple in ocarina of time. but more black. i watched it 5 times in a row yesterday. just saying. buy that dvd. don't pirate it, this is one of those times you should buy the thing.


under the influence: aubrey beardsley

Aubrey Beardsley
isn't he dreamy?
i love aubrey. i would catch for him. intensely prolific though dying very young (25 from tuberculosis.) this cutie was as emo/fashionable as it gets and considering this was over 100 years before hot topic, thats a pretty neat achievement... and since he kept company with the likes of oscar wilde he is a definite proto-hipster to boot. his black and whites are meticulous, kinky and dark as all heck. this is as close as the art nouveau movement ever got to being "black metal".

so: intricate black and white art, hung out with the coolest people of the time, possibly a gay, died young of a disease that makes you cough up blood? yeah this cat is wayyyy cooler than any of us. thats ok though. the hero myth is what keeps us reaching for the unobtainable. words like "unobtainable" are etched in glass for the soul purpose of being shattered by the brash and courageous. thanks for reading and i love you!


kicking it old school (like 2006)

so, i'm going to be leaving spokane soon. all the things i liked about this place has disappeared or is soon disapearing. one of them being a coffeeshop/venue called "the empyrean"... back about 4 years ago, when it was still on madison street, i had my first art show in spokane there, and since this was when EVERYBODY was friends, there would often be spontaneous after hours dance parties. what takes me back most to those happy days is the Knife, an electro pop group from sweden, composed of siblings olaf and karin. youtube has a sick playlist of them, i highly suggest turning up the volume and starting your own dance party. karin started another  project called Fever Ray, it's ok, but i prefer olaf's beats. also, if you feel like having your head explode, check out their ode to charles darwin Tomorrow, In a Year, which is a frickin' opera.


up in the air

last month there was an article about me in the local news paper, as some of you already have read. it came out as you can see on march 26th, my birthday, which is ironic maybe because the day before my laptop was stolen, it itself was a birthday gift from a year prior after the one i was just given was stolen. my laptop is of course one of my very few possessions, of which jennifer, the writer, had listed off. one of the other things jennifer put in her article was the fact that i was living in a garage. well.. long story short someone who didn't approve of me squatting called the city,and steve, the awesome gentleman who has let me work/sleep in said garage, has gotten a notice from the city that i cannot live in there. the city of spokane has evicted me. i have until the 29th to get out.
i don't call myself a street artist
but i have always been an artist on the street

and i ain't mad at you spokane
and i will always love you
but i think we should see other cities


movie night

there is going to be something you're gonna have to get used to: i love korean cinema.. i would give the korean film industry a foot massage after a long day of being awesome, prepare a lovely 3 course meal, a good glass of wine and make sweet passionate love to it on a bear skin rug next to the fireplace.

i guess what i'm saying is that you're gonna see a lot of korean films being drooled over on this blog.

3-iron is a movie that will pretty much blow your mind and get you motivated to learn sneaky ninja skills.. and doing so without dialog! the main characters remain silent throughout the film, and though you'd think it'd be dull it is soooo not dull it's frickin' gripping and hypnotic! a lot of folks when they do movie reviews, tend to tell you plot outlines.. i hate that.. just trust your good taste (obviously you have it if you're reading my blog :p) and my amazing taste (ain't i modest?) and watch it tonight (netflix woo!) with someone you love!

if you liked this movie and feel up to a challenge i would suggest "spring summer fall winter and spring" from the same director. kim ki-duck's films are damn good. hey i love you! have a great day!


self portrait circa 05

i'm impatient sometimes out of necessity, case in point:
i burned the midnight oil for this painting, literately. 
my first solo "show" was in a coffee house in moses lake. this was when i was still doing my work in oil paint, which of course can take forever to dry... i've heard stories about oils taking years to dry. long story short, i had did this double portrait of an ex girlfriend and it was awesome and i put it in the show. this girl is somewhat, sensitive (nice way of saying "batshit crazy") about people seeing her face.. the kind of girl who doesn't like pictures being taken of her... who thinks she's ugly to the point of narcissism (which is bs because i don't have un-attractive friends ha)... SHE FUCKING STEALS THE PICTURE OFF THE WALL OPENING NIGHT. hahaha so yeah i had to paint something, so i did a quick oil portrait of myself... then to circumvent the dry period, i took a BLOWTORCH to the thing.

i'm pretty sure i didn't sell anything and after the show i think it ended up in the trash.


under the influence: ernest haeckel

HOLY CRAP. just look at this guys illustrations! wow!
and look at this hipster's beard! what a babe!
ernest influenced how i think about living things and organic symmetry. click on the images to see the hi res. do it... but be warned you might implode from sheer radness. this guy was amazing... could you believe he came up with the word ecology? who does that? he did, because ernst was the boss. i mean, he has 2 freakin' mountians named after him!.. AND AN ASTEROID! insanity! 


old animals

i love pictures of animals, i love black and white film, and i love the elderly. so obviously i love (x3) these photo's from isa leshko. she's going around the country going to shelters and other places to document animals towards the end of their lives: “I began the series as a means of exploring my feelings about my mother’s decline due to Alzheimer’s Disease,” she says. “As I’ve worked on this project, though, I’ve come to realize that these images are a testament to survival and endurance. And they raise questions about what it means to be elderly.” i think she lives in philly? her amazing work is represented by the Corden|Potts Gallery in san fran, the Richard Levy Gallery in albuquerque & the John Cleary Gallery  in houston.
pumpkin is 28 yrs old! so adorable


garden time!

hey it's my garden! the garlic is up and looking amazing!
thats a tiny shovel huh
tilling the soil for potatoes
i love digging around in the dirt

monday music madness!

don't look at the cover art too long or you'll see the devil.
 i have a really soft spot for stoner rock. and the band that exemplifies the genre best in my mind is Sleep. this release, holy mountain pretty much blew me away when it came out, and soon everyone was talking about orange amplifiers and how cool it would be to ride a dragon. anyways, i found a copy online if you'd like it and if you dig it i'd say go get the vinyl, because that is the only way to really get the warmth of this bands sound. if thats to pricy (it is for me) you could buy the tape cassette for ten bucks.. and that my friends, is rad. hey i love you!



the f*&$ing bike club full moon fiasco is tonight! we meet at the swamp @ 7
yup thats me looking right at the camera.. what a goof!
i hope to see you there!


so much for anonymity

Gabriel Vrooman by Čadež
Gabriel Vrooman, a photo by Čadež
so i hooked up with this kid travis the other day. prety cool cat, rides bikes, has sweet tattoos and takes a hella good picture. whats not to like? he recently posted on his blog about me, which is awesome, and the photos he captured are like, the best pictures anyone has ever taken of me. wow. kudos.
check out his site and see the goods he possesses in abundance. 
but i guess this does leave me a little red handed :( ha ha.

bike ride!

yesterday i spent the whole day with my friend trent in cheney and we rode bikes. here i am on the fish lake trail. it was sooooo perfect i wish you could have been there.
here's me practicing my through the frame track stand

friday's film

i'm a homebody.
when i have a home to have a body in i suppose. so instead of going out friday nights to mix it up, i sit at home and get my netflix on. so i'm just cluing you into what i am gonna watch. or have watched, or what i want to watch. and no, this isn't going to be about the hobbit movie all the time.

lar's von trier has always been a favorite of mine, and he makes not only amzing movies, but is one of the only major director who also directs porn.. though his porn is really classy and highly european in it's aesthetic. sigh.. i really shouldn't know this much about porn. damn you internet. DAMN YOU.

if you have netflix and are in the mood to watch a scary movie, may i suggest his "anti-christ". make sure you watch it with an engaged couple, and watch the groom wince. heh.
he has a new flick titled "meloncholia" which has this amazing all star cast. and kirsten dunce naked. where do i sign up? check the preview:

mural revisited/ 100th blog post! woo!

so the mural i said that needed some work got it, and thanks to andrew (i love you) i have a few good pictures of it's current state. looks like it got a touch up, putting it mildly. i'm still not sure if i like it.

also: IT'S MY 100TH POST! uh.. i've seen quite a few blogs that do something special to commemorate this number so honestly i felt a bit pressured to do like-wise, but.....
i think i'm going to save the celebration for a better number. so it'll be extra special. just for you, my friends.
love you and enjoy the pictures!
and here's one of me in the frame for scale

under the influence: alphonse mucha

this is a my new segment dedicated to artists and art styles, classic to contemporary, that have influenced me, and i'll be posting it every wednesday.
art nouveau has always been one of my main influences, the fluid, organic design, the emphasis on line.. powerful stuff. here goes nothin'.

Alphonse Mucha
when the phrase "art nouveau" gets thrown into a conversation, 9 out of 10 times the images that come to mind for most are that of this powerhouse, alphonse mucha, who pretty much is responsible for the movement by way of a poster he lithographed for a play in 1895. it's advertisement that influenced art and visa versa i suppose. awesome stuff. but the beginning of the end in a way. hmmm.



BLU big bang big boom MOCA 2001: AMAZING.

so uh wow. you know how i said i liked JR? yeah blu just recently made my brain melt. blu's work has always been the best around, but only now have i seen that the merit of his work transcends the craft and skill he possesses in abundance. i liked JR not because he is a good photographer (that's debatable in truth) but that he transcended the art itself and spoke to people of all types, in ways bringing people together who were otherwise "enemys", or showing the faces of neighborhood women and patriarchs on the streets of places where violence against women is prolific. blu's street animation tackles an amazingly complex score of issues, from environmentalism, to war, to evolution, and in such a mesmerizing fashion that you'd hardly realized until several minutes in that you've been learning something. amazing work sir. i'd like to shake your hand.
“Art in the Streets” Exhibit @ MOCA in 2011

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
thanks to http://banksystreetart.tumblr.com for the tip off

she's crafty

dude, those are some cool thumbtacks!
so, i like art. but i also like crafts. sometimes i get a little engrossed in artsy things, and i forget how much i like crafts. also i think i get mad at crafts sometimes because i fail at them.
anyways, there’s this girl in spokane, i know her fairly well, her name is lexi. she lives in browne's addition and doesnt care for much but crafts and she likes sharing stuff on her blog and maybe some midnight adventures to walmart… she’s really, really great.
so if you like art, odds are you enjoy crafts as well. go take a peek at her blog and become a slave to her craftwork solid fan and she’ll love you forever.. forever