up in the air

last month there was an article about me in the local news paper, as some of you already have read. it came out as you can see on march 26th, my birthday, which is ironic maybe because the day before my laptop was stolen, it itself was a birthday gift from a year prior after the one i was just given was stolen. my laptop is of course one of my very few possessions, of which jennifer, the writer, had listed off. one of the other things jennifer put in her article was the fact that i was living in a garage. well.. long story short someone who didn't approve of me squatting called the city,and steve, the awesome gentleman who has let me work/sleep in said garage, has gotten a notice from the city that i cannot live in there. the city of spokane has evicted me. i have until the 29th to get out.
i don't call myself a street artist
but i have always been an artist on the street

and i ain't mad at you spokane
and i will always love you
but i think we should see other cities