isn't he dreamy? |
i love aubrey. i would catch for him. intensely prolific though dying very young (25 from tuberculosis.) this cutie was as emo/fashionable as it gets and considering this was over 100 years before hot topic, thats a pretty neat achievement... and since he kept company with the likes of oscar wilde he is a definite proto-hipster to boot. his black and whites are meticulous, kinky and dark as all heck. this is as close as the art nouveau movement ever got to being "black metal".
so: intricate black and white art, hung out with the coolest people of the time, possibly a gay, died young of a disease that makes you cough up blood? yeah this cat is wayyyy cooler than any of us. thats ok though. the hero myth is what keeps us reaching for the unobtainable. words like "unobtainable" are etched in glass for the soul purpose of being shattered by the brash and courageous. thanks for reading and i love you!