so i returned the camera. i took a bunch of cool photos, but ended deleting them by accident. life is funny like that. anyways hey! it's the last day of 2010! what did i learn this year? that you don't need much other than love and friendship. that i'm better off with keeping my mouth shut. i learned that evil is not all that bad. that people are really flakey, and that i'm kind of a walking penis sometimes. i learned a lot of things, laughed a bunch and cried a little. regular person type stuff. so hey, enjoy the last photos i took and happy new years!
if you hang art but nobody see's it, does it exist?
well that art/heart thing i was yappin about is happening in florida.. there were bands and live painting from what i've been told , and in typical gabe luck, i cannot find mention of myself in any article, nor find a glimpse of my art hanging, in any of the pictures.. of which i've seen 160.. mostly pics of the local artists next to their work..repeated several times... i looked, no, SCRUTINIZED the photos.. i don't see it hanging anywhere. did i spend 20+ hours painting and several precious dollars just to what, give it to some random person? no i painted it FOR CHARITY. which is absurd, since i'm pretty skidrow up here in the cold north and certainly could use some charity myself :/ oh well, no big deal, right? i guess i'd just like proof that my art went on a wall and not in the trash.. meh, end whine session. heres a few tidbits from various sources... ART/heart i feel like the girl in the picture below :(
glass angel
so here's the painting i did the other night with a little help from my friend trent. 20 hours + trent's help = rad painting. i'm not sure if he know's that he helped me ha.

i sent it today to florida for the art/heart show i mentioned a few weeks ago. gah i wanted to do 3 paintings but i had this terrible art block.. if i had the money i would have sent a few doors down but since i'm broke as hell i couldn't... i'm lucky i got to send this one. i've given the piece to the show, so all the proceeds go to the charity. for the kids people! if you're in florida next month go to the show buy some stuff and help out your fellow humans. it's for the kids man!
guerrilla art show!
so last night was fun. i set up shop at a closed liquor store that had the doors boarded up, right between several bars.. i had five paintings (2 doors two panels and one glued cigarette box's) and in between the doors i nailed a piece of wall paper. i had decided earlier to do a live painting, to help pass the time.. and also as a way to do some illegal art on the down-low. i painted a cliche gabrielesque face but then i started cutting parts out here and there and immediately painted over the holes... thus turning the painting into a stencil as well.. at one point there were several police right next to me because of some sort of bar-related mishap.. it was very entertaining to be doing something like i was, with a spotlight on me, getting away with mischief right under the laws nose. rad. as for my first stencil, you can check it out on sprague nexct to the ridpath.. kinda sloppy, but sorta hesh and thus i still like it.
this is a picture of the painting i did last night.. some random drunk dude took with his cell. not the best pic but whatever. man it was cold out!
first friday street art
meh well another first "friday art walk" is nearly here..
yeah i think i'm going to pick up my work from the empyrean and squat downtown for the night... displaying my art on the sidewalk. maybe some drunk will want to impress a friend or themselves by buying something. weirder stuff has happened. hit me up if you're around, ill be practically giving shit away, prolly near the art gallery next to pistole, on sprague. also:
yeah i think i'm going to pick up my work from the empyrean and squat downtown for the night... displaying my art on the sidewalk. maybe some drunk will want to impress a friend or themselves by buying something. weirder stuff has happened. hit me up if you're around, ill be practically giving shit away, prolly near the art gallery next to pistole, on sprague. also:
i have a charity group showing in florida next month, so look forward to me posting this november with status reports of the works in progress. i think 3 largish paintings should suffice, and i have a theme AND a model. woo more free art for the masses!. i hope someday i'm at the position where i can make art for free on a large scale. sigh it's gonna take money lol. i dream of a legit screen print set up and a giant printer. i'd love to do screenprints using my own blood. that'd be rad.
i wish you could see this in person :(
so i looked at the head on a plate painting i did for zach... and i didn't like the composition.. it wasn't "zazzy" enough for a gabriel, so i spent over 20 hours re-painting it. of course i don't have much of in the way of photography, so my lady took this picture for me.. but this one you really should see in person. it's got a surprise in it but i won't tell. it's funny how much this piece cost me, the paint isn't free after all, and i've spent a lot of time on it... just to give it away. honestly i don't like that one bit. i deserve to get something out of this. sigh. but i won't. meh. whatever.
i had a discussion last night while i was working on it, about how, if i feel apprehensive about how dark something is then it's kinda like an indicator i'm on the right track... as far as the whole "scary" thing goes... i was apprehensive about putting the head on a plate ala john the baptist..
i'm guess you know what i did. heh.
yeah this monstrosity is for this guy zack. i'm not getting paid, he said it was for some event as part of a raffle or something. dude wanted something "winter themed" and i'm like "there is nothing more wintery than a persons head on a plate with tentacles coming out of the mouth strangling a bird, right?"
so, word to the wise, you want free art, you're gonna get something unexpected. heh.
i've been naughty :(
i had the dawning realization that i'll prolly never be taken seriously as an artist ( maybe because i use non-words like "prolly"?). i'm untrained, uncultured, i don't know jack about modern art, and only a tad about art history. i paint ugly things that people tend to not like, and i'll most likely never be in serious galleries. sure, i've had shows here and there, but i'm not gonna be in the louvre any time soon. i'm ok with not being accepted or taken seriously and what-have-you, BUT... i do want people to see my work. maybe it's vanity. i never showed it when i was younger, but someone very wise told me if i am not showing the work i'm just masturbating, and that has stuck with me ever since. half (or more) of my art is actually played out with the observer. seeing is believing, so to speak. thus, well, i'm gonna start putting my art where people have no choice but to see it. take that! the current series i'm going to be working on is this idea i had about class-ism and the privileged few, entitled "have/have not". keep both eyes out...
seriously? again? GAH!
*insert loud, long audible sigh here
so a few months back i posted a blog about a mural i had to fix because of graphitti, not that i'm anti graphitti, it's just what "they" did to the mural wasn't cover it with more art but rather just screw up my mural by replacing my anatomical heart with a symbol heart.. i didn't groove on it. anyways, i go down to where the mural is sometimes, it's a really pretty neighborhood... and lo! the mural is screwed up even worse than before.. but this time it was the city, repairing the concrete.. so yeah. i had to repaint the mural. AGAIN. maybe i should give up, just not care...

but thats not my style really.
i am not finished, i need to find a ladder and figure out a new motif for the giant white space (it used to say "never stop reaching). anybody got some ideas?
terrain post game
...and i mean post game, because i have returned from a weekend of bike polo. sore sore and kinda fuzzy. played hard, lost hard.. i went from terrain to pullman and tried to find our camp.. got there at 5:30 am set up the tent, attempted to sleep for 4 hours.. i could go on, about how before i even got to play a real match andrew crashed into me and destroyed my tire. he was on my team too... i didn't have a real good time to be honest..
anyways i was in the whitworth paper in regards to terrain take a look
so whats next? well, a show in miami florida this december. oh and i think i should mention my work is appearing all month long at the empyrean this october too. check it out if you are in spokane, if you like one of my works email me and you can tell me how much you'd want to pay. that simple. hey i love you!
terrain pregame
so today is the terrain artist reception. somehow i'm part of a privileged part of society, though i like to think i'm the dark underbelly of the art world. i'm drinking beer cuz it's free. white privilege is a friendly enemy if you are me. i've been below the "poverty line" my whole life, but i truly realize that no matter how skid row i am, it's nothing compared to the poverty of others in the world. lets face it: if you are an american, you have it better. this being the case, i've made it so that the art i have at terrain is for charity. if you buy one of the selected pieces at terrain, the profit goes to the union gospel mission, which, despite the theist viewpoint, does a lot for the homeless in the states. being homeless myself, i've made homelessness my pet cause. here's some bad photo's of the reception. come tomorrow night for a real good time.

terror+terrain=terrorain (and a bunch of parentheses)
so yeah. this terrain this is gonna be rad tits and you all should totally go, but... i'll be honest... i'm not as stoked as i once was... getting a bit depressed.. y'see, i have this polo game in pullman i gotta go to as well THE SAME NIGHT. and the game requires money, which i won't have unless someone wants to buy one of my dumb paintings... theres gonna be alot of great art by people with more friends and, lets face it, my art isn't sell-able in spokane. nobody "gets" what i'm doing (i don't either), nor will they with only 5 (7) paintings in the 20 (so far) series represented (only 2 of the 4 "horsemen" works). also i wear a white shirt with a giant black inverted down cross around town (but it's my favorite shirt!) and i'm generally not well thought of in this small christian biased town, thanks to my complete disregard for social norms (take your rules and shove 'em world!). so... i'm thinking of not going. idk, i feel foolish for even submitting my work to terrain.. and lets see what else... oh i was told i could hang paintings for october at the empyrean coffee house several, SEVERAL months ago, which i was looking forward to.. i haven't been there yet (i gots no money, what am i gonna do, fucking busk outside till i can afford coffee? I HAVE MY OWN COFFEE MAKER and my homemade chai is superior) and i was excited to have an excuse to hang out a bit.. lets face it, october is the only month my artwork will fly in spokane (thanks halloween). i don't hangout as much as i used to, since i've been really broke this year (no job) and i quit (sorta) drinking. well, yeah, i've contacted chrissy riddle and her sister michelle (the owners of the empyrean) a few times with no reply. pretty classy. totally unfriended on fb. haha passive aggressive as hell right. i fucking hate you internet. also around the same time earlier this year i asked patty (owner of the baby bar) if i could paint on the wood panel (for like the 12th time) and she said yeah. i recently contacted her about it with (you guessed it) no reply. did not unfriend patty because i like patty alot and i figure it's just one of those things. also, there's this kid who i am very grateful i don't have to hang out with as often anymore, because he's a self righteous arrogant prick whom i want to punch in the nose every time he opens up his privileged little mouth. keep looking down your nose at me and i might just break it some time, mister.
grrrrr. anybody catching on to the angsty vibe? (totally lame i know, appy-polly-logies.)
i do have a charity art thing in miami december i need to work on..but..
i'm in an art rut.. sick of painting what i'm painting and i just wish i could afford some art classes. being self taught sucks a bit when you are constantly looking at amazing art, all done by people who went to school for it.
also the guy whom i did a book cover for hasn't spoke to me about it at all and so i'm wondering whats up there.
i might not go to the pallouse cup (bike polo game) because i need to pick up the art i won't be getting rid of (sigh) the next day (saturday). for more info on bike polo check out the marmot blog.
i don't know. i guess i'll stop whining. at least i am not alone, for once. things could always be worse, and i'm grateful for what i do have. still can't believe i can't even get a job washing dishes. i've applied at so many places.. i'm not giving up but i am getting really bummed about it. i'm sure something will work out, i'd just like it to be sooner :P
i got me some terrain to traverse!
adventures in couch surfing

so this couch surfer is named cheeks, and i met him last year. he just walked into my old house like he owned the joint and i just was stoked on how chubby, gregarious and playful he was. he disappeared for a bit and one day he showed up, alot skinnier, his side shaved with a huge sewn up gash in the middle. he now shows up at my squat frequently, eats some cat food and gets love every-other day or so. i hope he sticks around for the winter.. even though i'm allergic to cats i still love them. especially cheeks :)
from the garden to the kitchen
just because i'm a starving artist doesn't mean i actually starve. it just means my art is terrible and thus i'm broke. to circumvent this lack of money, i garden and cook my meals. fast food is dumb.

today i picked some apples, dug up some carrots, found a potato and picked some peppermint, tomatoes and of course garlic.

hard court bike polo....
...or as i like to call it hxc bp. some of you might get that joke, some of you won't (you're the lucky ones) yeah it's my new-ish obsession, i played a few games last year, but it died super quick and i was like "screw that" so, with the help of my bff levi, we started a local chapter for bike polo, and it has been super fun. check out whats up @
if you're local and have a bike come on and check it out! did i mention it's super fun?
thanks go to kim for the photo...but seriously, stop looking at my ass lady!
adventures in couch surfing
the other day i get a knock on the garage door, and lo! infront of me are two travelling hippies and their two hippy children. they were in town on their way to a festival where they intended to play some music and needed a place to stay for a few nights. done and done. i fed them spaghetti and the kids snaked my private cookie stash. dylan , sunny and kids, i hope your travels continue safely and that the hash flows freely for you. :)
remember, talk is cheap, it's all about action. help people, be the change.
war shall never be finished

adventures in couch surfing
all the names have been changed to protect the paranoid. gotta love security culture :|

so it's been brought to my attention that though i'm technically homeless, the squat where i reside is able to facilitate other folks, and as such i have hosted a fair number of travelling folks, whether anarcho-train kids or hippies or squeegee punx. so, i'm gonna start blogging about my guests, in an attempt to remind folks that being human is something even the poorest of the poor can do. so with no further ado, meet "grif". it's funny, i saw him with a backpack on, we walked and talked a bit, then he noticed my spoke card on my bike, done by a kid named "swampy" who fell off a train almost two years ago, and whom i hosted after his spill. grif said "swampy!" and i said "wait you know this guy?" turns out they were friends. it is a small world, right? and of course they both know my spiritually adopted sister MJ. but alot of people know her.
A Walk to Beautiful
i fricking' love pbs and the nova program. visit this page to watch the moving, emmy award winner "a walk to beautiful" and maybe if you can, donate to keep television sane. public broadcasting, proving socialism works since 1970!
A Walk to Beautiful | NOVA | PBS Video
A Walk to Beautiful | NOVA | PBS Video
gaza in portland 2010
with coalesce and converge and some other yahoos in the lovely rose city. well uh, i said i would post videos of the bands but i never did. sorry. heres the gaza video from that night. jon doesn't care that i posted this i'm sure. best quote ever from him "every time a church is burned a society gets it's wings"
don't burn churches kids, thats for black metal peoples like burzum. i love you!
the first of the seven seals
yay! pestilence is done! (sorta maybe?) i've been screwing around with this concept of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse idea for a while.. alot of people bring up that i only paint women, which is not true (most the figures in my sketchbooks are men or at the very least asexual) but it's true, alot of my large symbolic pieces are female-centric. woman have played a huge role in my life, so it's a dominant theme. but for good ol' death and destruction i had to bring out the boys. it makes sense to me somehow? i play with gender roles alot, switching jesus's supposed gender to that of a woman happens in my work, but for this part of my evil series i went with the boys. thanks to kim for the pic (again.. man i owe you!)
bad photos of good art / insomnia is not glamorous
sorry i haven't posted in forever. i've no camera so getting pics of art i do is a pain. this door was owned at one point by a guy named steve, but it's huge and heavy so he couldn't take it. i sold it last year for 50 dollars. every time i see a small, bad painting with a "$500/sold" i just want to set myself on fire. i wonder if you know this feeling. it's a pretty low place, emotionally. i cut myself making this painting. thats my blood on it (underneath the left hand, your right..)
anyways, on top of this seemingly insurmountable depression, this brutal insomnia (real insomnia is not cool, it's hell) these bad photo's of this nice door i painted, the fact that my total income this year has been 120 dollars (that's not a typo) and my knee being infected from a bike accident i had the other day... on top of all this, blogger is being a pesky bastard and has made actually posting this lame rant so annoyingly difficult that i'm this close to just walking into oncoming traffic. the screen printing place i had an interview at didn't call back "either way" like they said they would.. gah i'm at my wits end. so for all you people maybe feeling a bit down about life, hey, at least you're not me, right? none-the-less, i'm still here, fighting the good fight. never give up on your dreams, even if they kill you, if you do, you might as well be dead anyways.
"that which we call evil is merely ignorance"
i think my current obsession with evil is a healthy vent, artistically.
but i'm really tired of drawing dark, scary things. i want to paint flowers and birds and nice, pretty things. so in light of this i'm gonna try to paint my best friend something pretty. today.. eh.. maybe?... gotta find paint! what if i mix food color and old housepaint? hrmm.
until then, look at this evil shit. terrible photo, but it's one of 4 in a series, titled: famine.
graphite, acrylic, mud on found vintage refrigerator door
gah i can't sleep. coffee is the cure to this insomnia.
i swear!
if i had to pick a religion, i'd be a wikipedian
or maybe a tolkienite.
gah i can't sleep. coffee is the cure to this insomnia.
i swear!
if i had to pick a religion, i'd be a wikipedian
or maybe a tolkienite.
i worship graphite
i've often thought deeply on the subject of gender role in religion, why "god" and by extention moses jesus mohamed ect are all males... the first abrahamic mythological female character people around here recall is the virgin mary for some reason? sometimes, in my brain, i reverse the gender roles, pretend jesus or mohamed was a woman... i'll stop boring you..
here's a painting of mary. magdalene or the virgin. you pick.
conte, acyrlic, pressed particle board..
and OF COURSE graphite.
pain to take pics of.. SHINEY
here's a painting of mary. magdalene or the virgin. you pick.
conte, acyrlic, pressed particle board..
and OF COURSE graphite.
pain to take pics of.. SHINEY
depression vs romance
i'm really depressed. this sort of thing happens, typically for no reason. well, thats not entirely true. my life is depressing. somehow i can happily ignore this fact 99% of the time, but as i lay in the dark of the garage where i'm squatting last night i couldn't stop thinking about how tired i feel, how hopeless my situation is and how i will probably die homeless and penniless. but life isn't all that bad right? after all, i am in love... i think if i could trade my love for a normal life i wouldn't. in other news i've been offered a spot at iyollo, a gallery in houston texas. now just how i'm getting my work down there in such sort notice will be a miracle. anyways, here's an old sketch for your viewing displeasure.
stabbed through the chest!
so here is another door painting (it's totally up for grabs) and possibly the last i'm doing for a while. the fact is, i'm too broke and these things are unsellable in terms of transporting them. my friend justin aerni says i should sell them for like $600 with free shipping i.e. $100 goes to shipping.. my paypal isn't dialed in just yet though so money would just sit in the account.. and six hundred dollars is way more than i'd expect anyone to pay. i'm terrible at selling my art. i like this piece, it's very emotional.. i was going through a hard time (when am i not?) and felt betrayed by people that i thought were my friends. meh, shit happens. have a great day!
warning: my art induces epilepsy
so here's some pics of the door painting i finished recently... funny story, the owner of this piece came to look at it after i finished it, and he brought along his girlfriend.. after a few minutes of us all looking at it the girlfriend fell face first in front of the door, nearly nailing her face with the antlers on the ground. so uh, my painting either induced a seizure or cause her to faint... either way that was the best compliment i think i have ever gotten. interesting note to this: the door came from a ukrainian church. true story.
please steal from me
i ride the fence of copyright law. i don't like the idea of owning ideas. you'd think this has to do with art, that being what i do, and it does, sure.. but my concern is over seeds. because a gmo seed is intellectual property, the owner, if so inclined, can sue a person for using the seed without permission. so lets say you are a small yield farmer growing organic corn... a few miles away is a farmer who's crop is gmo corn... if the gmo corn's pollen get's in the air and pollenates the organic corn, not only is the organic farmer screwed out of his crop next year (unknowingly until testing) he can also be sued for his plants being contaminated with the gmo's. the gmo farmer isn't doing the sueing either.. he's just a sad victim of the corporate giants who control the seed industry.
this is how farmers get screwed. because of intellectual property. i'm no expert and i'm lacking in my info, so watch the documentaries "king corn" & "food inc". here's some reading, which i appropriated like a good anarchist.
while the portland operation spins it's wheels
so, lemme just start by saying that never in a million years did i even think any of this would happen. kinda surreal for me.. yesterday, i totally rode around portland with sean ingram of coalesce, one of my all time favorite bands. here he is fixing a flat he got in seattle.
so here is us starting the bike ride in earnest, not really eventful, but boy did we tear the ass out of pdx's asphalt
and here we are chilling, about to witness an epic handstand on a skateboard
after our epic ride to the polo house (which we never really found but we run into medic mike), sean, nate ( from converge) and i ate lunch and talked old school skateboards. that was sweet. then of course the show. fuck goddamn. lemme just say that sean is the shit. not only did he get me into the show, he introduced me to so many awesome people... i'm really indebted to him. i gave jon (from gaza) a painting and he hooked me up with a shirt, and some random dude gave me a converge shirt (wretched world..) so i kinda made out like a bandit? got to talk with john pettibone for a bit and with jacob bannon about art technique. so uh, yeah? frigging awesome. i'll post some a bit of each bands set (gaza, coalesce, converge) later on today.
such awesome times, don't even mind too much that i had nowhere to go and slept (barely?)on the sidewalk last night, or that i broke the heck out of my glasses.. no big deal.
portland is weird
well the trip to portland was fun, if not a little confusing; i got lost so many times! i got pulled over by a cop for not having a light on my way to roscoe's house, watched a bumfight and rode the hell out of my bike everywhere. heres a video of my trip to portland from vancouver on my fixie. click on the links for the rest of the bike riding videos.
part 2 part 3 part 4
after a while of being lost and feeling a bit lonely, i finally found my way to where my friend roscoe has been staying, with his friends the manholes. heres a video of the cat at the house... so epic!
and this is a fight i saw downtown and thought it was too awesome to NOT post. keep portland weird!
so far not doing too bad, a bit broke but whats new. tomorrow: converge, coalesce, gaza!
olympia! bikes! portland? stuck?
so i got a rideshare @ 6:45 this morning to oly.. i didn't sleep so i could be awake for it... i think i've been up more than 24 hrs. pretty much all just to see coalesce, a band i've been listening to for like 11 or so years but have never seen live. i biked from vancouver to portland (not as short as i thought but still awesome) and now i'm stuck as hell. it's cold and i'm sleeping in the streets tonight probably but it's totally worth it. thinking about going to roxy and get some food.
space money be praised

i got approved for food stamps;
terriaki marinated mushroom, tiny green olives filled with anchovie, quatered artichoke hearts, roasted garlic cloves, feta cheese, mozzerella, colbey jack, champane pasturized chedder cheese, avacado, salt pepper, cayenne pepper, olive oil. ate it out in spokane valley with my RPG friend ben. afterwards we went to the midnight showing of ironman 2, which was excactly as i expected it to be, mindless fun. best part: free ticket and ice cream cones we smuggled in. spoiler alert! one word: Mjöllnir
book cover
a while back i did a cover with my friend justin aerni
for a cool flip book called my hands were clean/Dr. Gonzo by authors tom bradley and deb hoag. check it out. tom bradley is awesome.
005, 006, 007
the five rite live six crowns seven left handed
ink, acrylic, blood, sharpie, burned & collaged "The Interpretation of Dreams" , spit on cardboard.
i think that about sums it up.
thanks to mary for the great scan.
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