life as pictures

this is how it is done:


robots curate the art museums of jupiter

i have been a terrible artist. i haven't drawn with the tanacity that is required of this lofty title. i do not deserve it: Artist. this i may not be.. maybe it is a goal i will never truely obtain.. maybe none of us ever have... it's an absract idea, the definition is up to the whim of the culture that surrounds us. my "block" as the artistic types call it, came from me realizing that humanity would not likely continue to exist, that it is possible, nay likely that machines, artificial intelligences, would be the only cognitive entities around after our demise as a species. this being plausible, would they appreciate art? my worry over this made me realize a deep motivation i had: immortality by means of craft, my i.e. my artworks & other artistic endevours. this vanity troubled me, that my ego was this inflated and that my REASON for doing what i do and the shear discomfort this lifestyle .. it was no longer nobel, altruistic. i thought i belived what i did was a sacred thing, i felt that, even the most humble of the arts, was a holy thing. for me art was supposed to be the representation of the boundless capacity of woman/man to trancend our biological realities and form amazing constructs out of our abstract, non-corpreal thoughts . this is magic, what we do. our creativity is what overwhelmingly makes us US. my self-doubts not-with-standing, the idea that robots or artificial entities of inteligence may or may not appreciate what we call art is an interesting one, and it is begging discussion. i for one will be doing research in regards to this issue, and will very likely be devoting my next private works to this concept, approching it from several facets. having realized the possible vanity of making art for robots, i think i can trancend this dillema, and i'm attacking the subject happily, thinking of hovering android art galleries on the moons of jupiter nodding with approval at the pages of my soiled and dirty sketchbooks. and speaking of...
like i said, i'm going through an "artist block" which might just mean i'm lazy..

sweep panorama

so, now that i'm on the the road again i thought i might share some pictures. yup. might actually share something out of my sketchbook a bit later. in other news: i'm learning how to knit! a life long ambition has been realized, thanks to a very good friend. awesome. anyways, if you're reading this then i love you.
i highly suggest clicking this so you can get the full effect.
oh man do  i love this tree, but so do the river rats...
you see that green apple? it was next to my head, and when i woke up, it was gone. yup. rats. *shivers*


just an update

YES I AM STILL ALIVE. perhaps notice i'm no longer on facebook? well.. i'm still alive. some of you may remember my laptop got stolen on my birthday last march, so i'm not blogging, and in general, i don't mind all that much... this is not to say that i will not come back... i just am so very transient right now, and honestly i've had a sort of art block as of late.. but i got some new ideas floating in my head and i'm excited to work on them.. and so, if things start looking up for me, like, y'know, getting a dayjob and not being homeless, then maybe i'll be able to acquire some of the tools i need (i.e. laptop) and get back to posting about all the things i love and of course sharing with you! also: i got some super awesome exciting news, but i'm not telling you about any of it yet, lest i count my chicks before the eggs hatch. oh here's where i've been staying by the way.. thats right, the shire.
i could have sworn i heard gandalf...