andy roo

hi i'm andy roo!                            i have a lazy eye but...
.....my liver is hard at work!

the end.


fun times

city at night 

don't judge me!

no one is sneaky

so there i am doing a bit of documentation and BAM a cop ninjas up on me. and another was 6 feet behind me
i about shit myself.
but they'll necer see this ever. niether will you. 'cept for on here and stuff.


no one likes entropy

this is a cool example of how a public space can evolve, and i have a feeling the evolution is still underway.
 super interested in seeing this spot again. :)
travis cadiz took this picture shortly after i did this mural
i was unhappy with it so i came back and changed the figure
..and this is it now.
 i don't "own" the above image i guess but whatever. intellectual property is theft. everything i do is creative commons.
destruction is creation. entropy may very well be the only truth.


no one likes a vandal

all the kids were hanging out on the corner

we only worship your devil to mock your fairy tales. sorry for being assholes.

been feeling dark

rhea would appreciate this i think
OMSI: gah! science! yur a creepy bastard.