i worship graphite

i've often thought deeply on the subject of gender role in religion, why "god" and by extention moses jesus mohamed ect are all males... the first abrahamic mythological female character people around here recall is the virgin mary for some reason? sometimes, in my brain, i reverse the gender roles, pretend jesus or mohamed  was a woman... i'll stop boring you..


here's a painting of mary. magdalene or the virgin. you pick. 

conte, acyrlic, pressed particle board..
and OF COURSE graphite.

pain to take pics of.. SHINEY



depression vs romance

i'm really depressed. this sort of thing happens, typically for no reason. well, thats not entirely true. my life is depressing. somehow i can happily ignore this fact 99% of the time, but as i lay in the dark of the garage where i'm squatting last night i couldn't stop thinking about how tired i feel, how hopeless my situation is and how i will probably die homeless and penniless. but life isn't all that bad right? after all, i am in love... i think if i could trade my love for a normal life i wouldn't. in other news i've been offered a spot at iyollo, a gallery in houston texas. now just how i'm getting my work down there in such sort notice will be a miracle. anyways, here's an old sketch for your viewing displeasure.


stabbed through the chest!

so here is another door painting (it's totally up for grabs) and possibly the last i'm doing for a while. the fact is, i'm too broke and these things are unsellable in terms of transporting them. my friend justin aerni says i should sell them for like $600 with free shipping i.e. $100 goes to shipping.. my paypal isn't dialed in just yet though so money would just sit in the account.. and six hundred dollars is way more than i'd expect anyone to pay. i'm terrible at selling my art. i like this piece, it's very emotional.. i was going through a hard time (when am i not?) and felt betrayed by people that i thought were my friends. meh, shit happens. have a great day!


warning: my art induces epilepsy

so here's some pics of the door painting i finished recently... funny story, the owner of this piece came to look at it after i finished it, and he brought along his girlfriend.. after a few minutes of us all looking at it the girlfriend fell face first in front of the door, nearly nailing her face with the antlers on the ground. so uh, my painting either induced a seizure or cause her to faint... either way that was the best compliment i think i have ever gotten. interesting note to this: the door came from a ukrainian church. true story.


please steal from me

i ride the fence of copyright law. i don't like the idea of owning ideas. you'd think this has to do with art, that being what i do, and it does, sure.. but my concern is over seeds. because a gmo seed is intellectual property, the owner, if so inclined, can sue a person for using the seed without permission. so lets say you are a small yield farmer growing organic corn... a few miles away is a farmer who's crop is gmo corn... if the gmo corn's pollen get's in the air and pollenates the organic corn, not only is the organic farmer screwed out of his crop next year (unknowingly until testing) he can also be sued for his plants being contaminated with the gmo's. the gmo farmer isn't doing the sueing either.. he's just a sad victim of the corporate giants who control the seed industry.
this is how farmers get screwed. because of intellectual property. i'm no expert and i'm lacking in my info, so watch the documentaries "king corn" & "food inc". here's some reading, which i appropriated like a good anarchist.


while the portland operation spins it's wheels

so, lemme just start by saying that never in a million years did i even think any of this would happen. kinda surreal for me.. yesterday, i totally rode around portland with sean ingram of coalesce, one of my all time favorite bands. here he is fixing a flat he got in seattle.

so here is us starting the bike ride in earnest, not really eventful, but boy did we tear the ass out of pdx's asphalt

and here we are chilling, about to witness an epic handstand on a skateboard 
after our epic ride to the polo house (which we never really found but we run into medic mike), sean, nate ( from converge) and i ate lunch and talked old school skateboards. that was sweet. then of course the show. fuck goddamn. lemme just say that sean is the shit. not only did he get me into the show, he introduced me to so many awesome people... i'm really indebted to him. i gave jon (from gaza) a painting and he hooked me up with a shirt, and some random dude gave me a converge shirt (wretched world..) so i kinda made out like a bandit? got to talk with john pettibone for a bit and with jacob bannon about art technique. so uh, yeah? frigging awesome. i'll post some a bit of each bands set (gaza, coalesce, converge) later on today.

such awesome times, don't even mind too much that i had nowhere to go and slept (barely?)on the sidewalk last night, or that i broke the heck out of my glasses.. no big deal.


portland is weird

well the trip to portland was fun, if not a little confusing; i got lost so many times! i got pulled over by a cop for not having a light on my way to roscoe's house, watched a bumfight and rode the hell out of my bike everywhere. heres a video of my trip to portland from vancouver on my fixie. click on the links for the rest of the bike riding videos.

part 2 part 3 part 4

after a while of being lost and feeling a bit lonely, i finally found my way to where my friend roscoe has been staying, with his friends the manholes. heres a video of the cat at the house... so epic!

and this is a fight i saw downtown and thought it was too awesome to NOT post. keep portland weird!

so far not doing too bad, a bit broke but whats new. tomorrow: converge, coalesce, gaza!


olympia! bikes! portland? stuck?

so i got a rideshare @ 6:45 this morning to oly.. i didn't sleep so i could be awake for it... i think i've been up more than 24 hrs. pretty much all just to see coalesce, a band i've been listening to for like 11 or so years but have never seen live. i biked from vancouver to portland (not as short as i thought but still awesome) and now i'm stuck as hell. it's cold and i'm sleeping in the streets tonight probably but it's totally worth it. thinking about going to roxy and get some food.


space money be praised

i got approved for food stamps;
terriaki marinated mushroom, tiny green olives filled with anchovie, quatered artichoke hearts, roasted garlic cloves, feta cheese, mozzerella, colbey jack, champane pasturized chedder cheese, avacado, salt pepper, cayenne pepper, olive oil. ate it out in spokane valley with my RPG friend ben. afterwards we went to the midnight showing of ironman 2, which was excactly as i expected it to be, mindless fun. best part: free ticket and ice cream cones we smuggled in. spoiler alert! one word: Mjöllnir
best pizza you'll ever ever have. thanks to mary for the gif.


book cover

a while back i did a cover with my friend  justin aerni for a cool flip book called  my hands were clean/Dr. Gonzo  by authors tom bradley  and deb hoag. check it out. tom bradley is awesome.


005, 006, 007

 the five rite live six crowns seven left handed

ink, acrylic, blood, sharpie, burned & collaged "The Interpretation of Dreams" , spit on cardboard.

i think that about sums it up.
thanks to mary for the great scan.

bike porn?

ok, maybe she's not a cinelli with an aerospoke wheelset but she's mine and she's classy. word up.

so the other day levi took some pics of my bike elza.. i'm sorry, but i really love my bike. at one point a tiny bird landed on the handlebars, but we missed that shot. dang!



ink, acrylic, sharpie, typed and collaged paper on cardboard

so i started a project a while back (who knows if i'll ever finish) where i was going to paint 666 works of various sizes, with the obvious theme being sin and despair and, well, evil. there's 002. ideally, after i'm done with them i'd like to have a show where only the owners of the works can go, and have a masquerade party and people will be like "hi i'm #234! who are you?" eh? it cost me 7 bucks to scan this thing.. i'm officially broke. totally worth it.

can't forget now..

so i've forgotten my friend isabelle's birthday like twice, i'm a bad friend that way i guess. to make up for it i decided to tattoo her bday on my ankle. i hope it evens things out maybe? terrible idea to do it at 5 in the morning but whatever... i gotta stay up so i can go to dshs this morning to try and get some help with my whole homeless/jobless/foodless shtick. wish me luck? btw writing upside down is not my forte, cut me some slack? damn do i hope i got the date right.



"Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders." -- Henry David Thoreau

my favorite food is probably the potato.
so in this years garden, i tried this trick, where you stack up a few tires and plant potatoes in them. come harvest, kick over the stack of tires. no digging! my potatoes are kicking ass. i have garlic and butter lettuce and other random plants with wildflowers everywhere too. it's a mess but i'm ok with that. i like letting nature do it's thing. who's down for some french fries later on this year?