it's my birthday!

today i'm 33! lucky number! woo!
so yesterday, my laptop was stolen.
would of had it a year today, since it was my birthday present last year. so my blog posts are gonna just not exist for a while.. but, a few updates:

 i got the screen clean and the lovely jon swanstrom hooked me up with transparencies, since i dont have the ability to photo edit i've decided to paint directly onto the transparencies. lets hope this works! because of the loss of the aforementioned laptop, i am sad to say that i'm going to need to charge $10 bucks for the first 30 prints, after that i'll give them away probably. is that a fair price? 5 bucks for the the first 60? 60 prints is a lot of paper... one more obstacle i'll tackle once i have the image burned into the screen. we'll see i guess.

in other news there has been a nice write up about me in the local paper.

honestly it's a bit, um, too much. i'm way more modest than what i sound like.. gah last article i did i sounded equally pretentious. but jen, you are golden, you did a great job!


spotted: eye see no one

suddenly a song by hall and oats sprang into my mind..
mmmmm thats some tasty stencil

pestilence revisited: from sketch to painting

may i present to you one of my favorite pieces so far and the sketch that inspired it.
i sometimes feel like my sketchbooks are my only true works of art.
one in a series of four, i've titled it 011(1) or "famine", though i prefer the numerical title. it's painted with white acrylic house paint, found in a dumpster, black acrylic and turquoise watercolor. the material is a piece of rusted steel, which i found in an abandoned slaughterhouse. there is of course, a secret to this work, as is true with most of my pieces. i actually prefer the sketch, as is true for a lot of the work that comes out of my sketchbook.

the origins of me putting hidden codes and meanings stem's, from all places, the hobbit by j.r.r tolkien. the book is filled with little maps with mysterious languages, and in one chapter, it's revealed that there is hidden writing on a map, only visible in the light of the moon. this set my imagination on fire when i was little and got me into making my own languages and secret maps.

i've carried some of this over to my sketchbooks as well, loading them with puzzles and hidden riddles. 
why? why not!? 
click on the image for the full resolution! 


spotted: no one uses pay phones anymore

a friend of mine saw this near her college. rad.
telephone booths are such a rare artifact. 
when they are gone, how is superman gonna change outfits?
no one knows.



...well sorta. this was a first draft, to check it out.. the font needs to be smaller.. i honestly was not trying to a lot of work designing them and i guess thats why they suck. gonna work harder on that tonight so i can avoid doing something more important like a new painting or cleaning a screen for the damn prints i keep putting off. derp. props to megan for the outsourced labor.

anyways if you see me riding around or sitting at huckleberry's bistro, ask for a button. sharing is caring.


work in progress

so here's a crappy photograph of what i got so far. i wish i was better at realism, i try to get my faces to look like the subject but i'm just terrible at it. 
yeah yeah her hair is blonde in real life.. but it isn't her natural color... niether is purple i guess.. meh i like purple, what can i say? what purple? the dark parts... thats not black i'm using but purple. it's the new black. just like waking up early is the new staying up late.


april show(ers)

patrick kendrick of platform booking asked me to do the flyer for the art show in april. it's not very good but it is what i came up with. i liked the northern european feel.


work in progress

a poem:

started a painting
if i dont screw it up
ketra might like it
andrew might get excited
everyone might dance

if i don't screw it up



so there is another art/heart charity show in florida and i'm on the bill again. so, if you're in the area check it out, it's for a good cause. here's the facebook for more info!


get involved! it's our world! we can make it beautiful.

if you know me, you know who my fav "street artist" is. it's not banksy or blu or even swoon (she's my #2)
the scope of this is amazing. get involved people, do something other than that 9-5 you prolly dislike. give your life and your community a larger meaning and DO SOMETHING! i'm always hearing people saying "i wish i could do art". stop wishing. if i can do it than you can. this man has changed the world for better and it was all with a camera, some kinkos, and some wheatpaste. be the dream! affect change in this world!

damn you world UNFREEZE!

gah. so i got the screens for screen printing (thanks andrew c) but, i need high pressure water to clean them..... i.e. hose outside... wait for it... SCIENCE DAMNED PIPES ARE FROZEN AND I CAN'T FRICKING DO JACK  >:(  on top of that, it's just too damn cold in my squat to even hold a brush straight, much less concentrate on painting. with several deadlines coming closer and closer i am wondering if i'll be able to get any of this stuff done, what with the cold, the pain (constant) and the lack of funding (paper to print on, kinkos and various other things)

that being said, i'm a happy guy... i mean, i'm living my dream, right? i have good friends and a best friend (you know who you are) and i feel alive. so many people do not have what i have and i am so very VERY grateful. in fact, hey steve spickard, if you see this post THANK YOU. you're complacent kindness in regards to me squatting on your property has made this possible. you are the medici to my da vinci. i love you.

THAT being said, it's cussing cold out and i'm sick of it. ha! here is a mock up one of my self-plagiarized prints, which i hope to be giving away en-mass for next months show. it needs work. meh i'll get it :)


to do list march

A: three small drawings 2.5"x11" and to make 25 copies
of those three.
B: 2 large drawings 11"x"11
that i have to burn into a screen as to make screen prints, and i have to clean the screen
and another screen for a smaller, 2 color print.
C: a large 4'x15' print of an "original" work from me
D: a poster for propaganda in windows
E: maybe some buttons
F: 10 high res 300 dpi images of my best art and a bio that is to be submitted to a book
G: 4 large portraits
H: interview with arts columnist from spokesman review.

i feel like i'm forgetting something....