i've been naughty :(

i had the dawning realization that i'll prolly never be taken seriously as an artist ( maybe because i use non-words like "prolly"?). i'm untrained, uncultured, i don't know jack about modern art, and only a tad about art history. i paint ugly things that people tend to not like, and i'll most likely never be in serious galleries. sure, i've had shows here and there, but i'm not gonna be in the louvre any time soon. i'm ok with not being accepted or taken seriously and what-have-you, BUT... i do want people to see my work. maybe it's vanity. i never showed it when i was younger, but someone very wise told me if i am not showing the work i'm just masturbating, and that has stuck with me ever since. half (or more) of my art is actually played out with the observer. seeing is believing, so to speak. thus, well, i'm gonna start putting my art where people have no choice but to see it. take that! the current series i'm going to be working on is this idea i had about class-ism and the privileged few, entitled "have/have not". keep both eyes out...